Welcome to Cunderdin Western Australia
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Welcome to Cunderdin

Welcome to Cunderdin.

Cunderdin is situated in the Wheatbelt east of Perth in Western Australia.

This is the third site I have made for Cunderdin, I try to include as much as possible but I work on free sites which have size restrictions. The free sites also generate advertisement, I am sorry if this is a problem but the only way to stop it is to upgrade to a paid site. I am a housewife and funds are limited so I guess we will just have to find a away to live with the ads.

Past experience has made me very aware of the spam mail generated when I leave my email address so I have not included this way to contact me. If you have a question or a request please leave a message in the guest book, this will send me an email to notify me and I will get back to you as soon as possible.

I love this town of Cunderdin, I am very happy to help promote it and to help anyone who may need any sort of assistance with anything conected to Cunderdin. If you do have a request please consider I do this as a hobby and I can't always get answers quickly if at all but I will do my best.

If you have contacted me before from one of my other sites and I have not got back to you yet, please contact again if you have had no luck yet.


If you lived in Cunderdin and have fond memories of a place or building, I am happy to take requests for photo's( I do not take photo's of other peoples houses.) I will be updating the Cemetery database soon and while at the Cemetery I will be taking plenty of photo's. If there is a grave you would like a photo of this can be done. I am trying to cover Meckering Cemetery on my database but photo's from Meckering will take longer. I will also (when I can) include a data base of the Cunderdin and Meckering Memorial Rose Gardens. Photo's can also be requested from these gardens.


Cunderdin has a Museum, Airfield Gliding Club(which was in use during WW2 as an Elementary Flying Training School as well as a camp for displaced people after the war) There is a Easter Airshow every two years. We have bush races every year in October, a concert held in a bush setting each year around November, we have Country Trots when possible, a wealth of sporting talent, as well as the only country Ettamough Pub.

Shopping is covered by a local Supa-Valu store, hardware, farm needs, clothing , Gift shop, Beauty Salon, Butcher, Car dealer as well as a  number of Farm Machinery outlets.

Being in the country can be very resrictive for aquiring quality furniture or building needs all this and more we have. Businesses we have include Wooden Decor for kitchen and bathrooms built to measure in your home. West Tarp for all canvas needs, Bosston/ Lite Strong build canopys for utes etc as well as selling log fires. We have a company that builds exhust mufflers, a place to fit the exhust along with tyres. We have a business that deals in wire products and a somewhere to get beautiful high quality furniture made to order. There is also the Water supply, Hospital, Doctor, Telecentre, School from Kindy to Yr 10 as well as Australian Collage of Agriculture Cunderdin..





